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Aaron Enrique Ibarra González

I am an Oceanologist from UABC and I have a master's degree in Marine Ecology from CICESE. Upon graduation I worked for several years in the small pelagic fishing sector, after which I have participated in multiple mariculture projects in Baja California. I am currently a doctoral student in Environment and Development at the Autonomous University of Baja California. In my work I seek to generate greater knowledge about the contributions of mariculture to the sustainable development of Baja California, particularly my topic of interest is resilience from a social-ecological systems approach. From an early age I have felt comfortable in the sea, practicing activities such as surfing, diving, apnea and sailing sports.


The ocean is my eternal source of inspiration for everything that has happened, is happening and will happen in my life.

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Marine Sciences, Mariculture, Fisheries, Social-ecological systems, Resilience, Sustainability.

2022 - In progress

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Ph.D. in Environment and Development

20XX - 20XX


M.Sc. in Marine Ecology

20XX - 20XX

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California 


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